HH - Nutrizione in gravidanza

Maternal Nutrition in Pregnancy, Child Birth Weight and Risk of Metabolic Diseases in Adulthood: What Connections? The Health Hub vision

Becoming a mother is one of the most beautiful moments in a woman's life... and brings with it a lot of joy, but also worries and fears. Maternal nutrition during pregnancy is one of the crucial issues for the health of the mother and the child as it plays a role of primary importance in fetal development. Numerous studies have highlighted a correlation between the birth weight of the newborn and the risk of developing metabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular diseases in adulthood. At our center, we pay maximum attention to future mothers, to help them on their journey towards an exceptional pregnancy and motherhood.

Risk Factors: Our nutritionist, Dr. Michela Polmonari, introduces some risk factors: “Several variables influence maternal nutrition during pregnancy, including total calorie intake, diet quality, macronutrient and micronutrient intake, as well as maternal lifestyle. The birth weight of the baby is an indirect measure of fetal health and can be influenced by factors such as intrauterine growth, length of gestation and maternal health conditions."

Scientific Evidence: Epidemiological studies have demonstrated a significant correlation between low birth weight and an increased risk of developing metabolic diseases in adulthood. Our President, Dr. Nitri Andrea, has been studying the topic in depth for several years and confirms that: "This association could be explained by the theory of "metabolic programming", according to which exposure to environmental factors during fetal development can influence maturation and the programming of the child's metabolism, increasing the risk of metabolic diseases in adulthood."

Physiological and Epigenetic Mechanisms: The mechanisms underlying this relationship may include alterations in the structure and function of organs and tissues, as well as epigenetic modifications that influence gene expression and the metabolic response of the child. For example, nutritional deficiencies during pregnancy can influence DNA methylation and histone modification in fetal tissues, thus altering gene regulation and increasing the risk of metabolic diseases in adulthood, in the full key of Functional Medicine and PNEI (psychoneuroendocrineimmunology) , very dear to the approach pursued in Health Hub.

Conclusions: Maternal nutrition during pregnancy plays a fundamental role in the long-term health of the child, influencing his risk of developing metabolic diseases in adulthood. Therefore, it is essential to promote a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle during pregnancy in order to optimize the future health of the baby. An integrated evaluation with a nutritional biologist, gynecologist and endocrinologist is essential in order to best plan your personalized path.

Are you becoming a mother and are you looking for a center that can assist you 360° towards a worry-free pregnancy and motherhood?

We are waiting for you in Health Hub

Bibliografia: Yang Y. et al. “Relationship between dietary inflammatory index, hs-CRP level in the second trimester and neonatal birth weight: a cohort study”. J. Clin. Biochem. Nutr. March 2020. Vol. 66. no.2. 163-167.