A series of articles for all tastes

Anna Peduzzi
Sport e movimento sono sempre state parti fondamentali della mia vita, prima come atleta e ora nel mio lavoro.Sono laureata in Attività Motorie Preventive e

Un Tumore su 3 è Prevenibile: L’importanza di Educare al Movimento e alla Giusta Alimentazione
La prevenzione è uno degli strumenti più potenti nella lotta contro il cancro. Secondo l’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità (OMS), riprendendo il recente articolo della Dott.ssa Viviana Contu, pubblicato su “Il Corriere”, fino a un tumore su tre potrebbe essere prevenuto attraverso scelte di vita salutari, in particolare con una corretta alimentazione e un regolare esercizio fisico.

Chiara De Simone – Nutrizionista
Sono Chiara, classe 1990. Laureata in scienze e tecnologie erboristiche mi avvicino al mondo della nutraceutica e cresce così anche la passione verso l’ambito della

Why is it essential to train (muscle) power?
If you want to achieve a triumphant result, it is imperative that your training program includes specific work on muscle strength. To cope more easily with the uphill sections you may find in a race or to improve in the progressions of the last few miles, strength training is a key strategy.

Are shock waves always painful?
Shock waves, or shock wave therapy, represent one of the most innovative technologies in the field of physical therapy and sports medicine.
The question many people ask before undergoing this therapy is, “Are shock waves painful?”

Pilates Reformer: The Secret to a Toned Body and a Balanced Mind
Have you ever heard of the Pilates Reformer? If you haven't tried it yet, it's time to discover one of the most effective secrets for improving your lifestyle, getting a toned body, and regaining an overall well-being you thought was lost.

Does dental malocclusion or temporomandibular joint dysfunction affect posture?
Dental and jaw malocclusion can affect posture and cause chronic pain such as headache, dizziness and low back pain.
Osteopathic diagnosis and treatment are essential to alleviate symptoms.
Health Hub involves patients in their healing journey.

We (almost) all have hernias... and it's normal!
Who among us has not heard a family member, friend or acquaintance complaining about a hernia?
In my osteopathic career, I have had the opportunity to assist and help many people in the throes of excruciating pain, often concomitant with a hernial condition.
But is it really like that?

Maternal Nutrition in Pregnancy, Child Birth Weight and Risk of Metabolic Diseases in Adulthood: What Connections? The Health Hub vision
Becoming a mother is one of the most beautiful moments in a woman's life... and brings with it a lot of joy, but also worries and fears. There