Anna Roncoroni (1)

Anna Roncoroni - Psychologist

After graduating in clinical psychology at the University of Milan Bicocca, I specialized in brief focal integrated psychotherapy. This approach includes the classic psychodynamic and cognitive-behavioral models, with their evolutions and the contribution of neuroscience, with a view to their integration. The objective is in fact that the therapist adapts to the needs of the person in that precise moment, and not vice versa. Through the therapeutic relationship, resources, limits, needs and more or less adaptive defenses emerge that we put in place to face existence. In this way it is possible to work on the central theme in the present, to promote understanding, acceptance and change. Functional integration can also take place with other health areas, through the mediation of specific professionals (psychiatrist, nutritionist, osteopath, physiotherapist, midwife...) and, if necessary, with external reference figures (parents, teachers, coaches... ).

Lavoro con bambini, adolescenti e adulti rispetto alle problematiche che possono insorgere nei vari passaggi del ciclo di vita, o disturbi psichici specifici come disturbi d’ansia, disturbi dell’umore, disturbi legati a traumi, disturbi affettivi o di personalità.