Nicola Alfieri - Fisiatra

Nicola Alfieri - Physiatrist

I was born in Como in 1967, I graduated in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Milan in 1992 and I obtained a specialization in Sports Medicine at the University of Ferrara in 1997.

After a university experience as a researcher in 2000 I took on the role of Medical Director of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation which I held until 2008 and then dedicated myself to freelancing as a Physiatrist with collaborations in the public and private sectors.
Immediately after graduation I undertook a complementary training path, graduating in Acupuncture, Homotoxicology and Hypnosis.
Over the years I have developed skills in the field of infiltration which I also perform with ultrasound support after graduating in Musculoskeletal Ultrasound. Since 2010 I have combined my clinical activity with training, I am currently a lecturer at the International Academy of PRM (Physiological Regulating Medicine) in Milan and a contract professor at the Level II Master's Degree in "Homotoxicology and Low Dose Medicine" of the Faculty of Pharmacy and Medicine of the University of Rome “La Sapienza”.

I am a member of SIMFER (Italian Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation), FMSI (Italian Sports Medicine Federation) and councilor of the Como Sports Medicine Association. I practice trail running (ultra distances) and ski mountaineering.