
Are shock waves always painful?

Shock waves, or shock wave therapy, represent one of the most innovative technologies in the field of physical therapy and sports medicine. 

La domanda che molti ci pongono prima di sottoporsi a questa terapia è: “Le onde d’urto sono dolorose?” La risposta non è così semplice e dipende da diversi fattori, ma ciò che è certo sono i notevoli benefici che questa terapia può offrire.

What are shock waves?

Shock waves are high-energy acoustic pulses that are delivered to body tissues, stimulating regeneration and repair of damaged tissues. This technique is particularly effective in treating musculoskeletal conditions, such as tendinitis, plantar fasciitis, calcifications and many other disorders related to the musculoskeletal system.

Are shock waves painful?

It is natural to be concerned about the pain associated with a treatment, but it is important to know that the perception of pain during a shock wave session can vary depending on the sensitivity of the patient, the area treated, and the severity of the condition. In general, a sensation of discomfort or discomfort may be experienced during treatment, but it is rarely referred to as unbearable pain. In addition, trained practitioners are able to modulate the intensity of the shock waves, tailoring it to the patient's tolerance, to ensure the most comfortable experience possible.

What are the real benefits of shock waves?

The benefits of shock waves are many and scientifically proven. Among the main ones:

  1. Reduction of pain: Shock waves stimulate the release of endorphins and the reduction of inflammatory substances, leading to a significant decrease in pain.

  2. Tissue regeneration: Due to their stimulating action, shock waves promote the formation of new blood vessels and accelerate the healing processes of damaged tissues.

  3. Non-invasive treatment: Unlike other therapies, shock waves do not require surgery or drugs, minimizing risks and recovery time.

  4. Efficacy in the treatment of chronic diseases: Many chronic conditions that are difficult to treat with other modalities find shockwave therapy an effective and lasting solution.

Fields of application of shock waves

Shock waves are used in various fields of medicine:

- Physiotherapy: For the treatment of tendinitis, bursitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, plantar fasciitis and other musculoskeletal disorders.

- Orthopedics: In the treatment of unconsolidated fractures, bone calcifications, and problems related to the musculoskeletal system.

- Sports medicine: For quick and safe recovery from activity-related injuries such as muscle strains and tendon injuries.

- Dermatology: For the treatment of cellulite and hypertrophic scars.

The importance of relying on specialized facilities

Although shock wave therapy is largely safe and beneficial, it is crucial to stress the importance of relying on specialized facilities and qualified professionals. Only in these settings can you receive an accurate assessment of your condition and a personalized treatment that guarantees the best results.

Relying on experienced hands means being able to rely on state-of-the-art machines, cutting-edge treatment protocols and attentive, professional care. Not all centers offer the same level of quality and safety, so choosing carefully can make the difference between an effective treatment and a disappointing one.


Shock waves are an extremely valuable therapeutic solution for those suffering from musculoskeletal conditions and beyond. Although they may cause mild discomfort during treatment, the benefits they offer in terms of pain reduction and tissue regeneration are unquestionable.

At the HEALTH HUB you will be able to find all this! 

If you are interested in finding out more or evaluating whether shock waves are the right solution for you, please do not hesitate to contact us-we are available to guide you toward your recovery.