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Crawling in Children: An In-depth Look at Neurophysiological Development from an Osteopathic key

Did you know that crawling plays a crucial role in shaping not only their neurophysiological development but also postural health? 

Do you want to discover the key stages of this important process and how the osteopathic approach can contribute to correct development? 

Crawling as a Fundamental Milestone

Crawling represents a milestone in children's motor development. It usually begins between 6 and 8 months of age and opens the door to a series of benefits, both cognitively and physically. During this phase, babies experience coordinated limb movement, improve muscle strength, and develop the cognitive skills necessary for active exploration of their surrounding environment. Crawling involves the activation of various brain regions, stimulating the motor coordination and thesensory integration. It is during this phase that the child's brain experiences an increase in synaptic connections, thus contributing to cognitive development. 

Osteopathic Importance of Crawling

From an osteopathic point of view, crawling plays a significant role in the formation of a balanced posture and correct alignment of the spine. During this phase, the spine is involved in multidirectional movements, contributing to the correct formation of the natural curves of the spine. The coordinated movement of the arms and legs during crawling contributes to the development of balanced muscles and correct posture, thanks to the activation of the crossed chains. This phase plays a crucial role in preventing any musculoskeletal dysfunctions and promoting a healthy spine. 

Health Hub's Tips to Promote Crawling

  1. Safe Environment: Creating a safe and obstacle-free environment will stimulate the child's desire to explore through crawling. 
  2. Tummy Time: Promote tummy time during the initial stages to build the muscles needed for crawling. 
  3. Interactive Play: Use interactive toys and activities to encourage baby to move and crawl. 

“Crawling, as ours states Pediatric Osteopath Monica Meroni, represents more than a simple development phase; it is a fundamental motor and cognitive experience for children. Through an osteopathic lens, we understand how this practice positively influences long-term postural health. Therefore, we encourage parents and caregivers to support and celebrate this extraordinary phase in the growth journey of their little ones."

Is your baby starting to crawl?

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